Publications (1973-1979)
1. Matthews, J.A. (1973) Lichen growth on an active medial moraine, Jotunheimen, Norway.Journal of Glaciology 12: 305-313.
2. Matthews, J.A. (1974) Families of lichenometric dating curves from the Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 28: 215-235.
3. Matthews, J.A. (1975a) The gletschervorfeld: a biogeographical system and microcosm. University of Edinburgh, Department of Geography, Research Discussion Paper No.2., 44pp.

4. Matthews, J.A. (1975b) Experiments on the reproducibility and reliability of lichenometric dates, Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 29: 97-109.
5. Matthews, J.A. (1976) `Little Ice Age' palaeotemperatures from high altitude tree growth in S. Norway.
Nature 264: 243-245.
​1977 â€
6. Matthews, J.A. (1977a) A lichenometric test of the 1750 end-moraine hypothesis: Storbreen gletschervorfeld, southern Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 31: 129- 136.

7. Matthews, J.A. (1977b) Glacier and climatic fluctuations inferred from tree-growth variations over the last 250 years, central southern Norway. Boreas 6: 1-24.
†Expedition results also appeared in: Griffey, N.J. (1977) A lichenometric study of the Neoglacial end moraines of the Okstindan glaciers, North Norway, and comparisons with similar recent Scandinavian studies. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 31: 163-172.
8. Griffey, N.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1978) Major Neoglacial glacier expansion episodes in southern Norway: evidences from moraine ridge stratigraphy with 14C dates on buried palaeosols and moss layers.
Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 60(A): 73-90.

9. Griffey, N.J. (1978) Lichen growth on supraglacial debris and its implications for lichenometric studies. Journal of Glaciology 20: 163-172.

10. Matthews, J.A. (1978a) Plant colonisation patterns on a gletschervorfeld, southern Norway: a meso-scale geographical approach to vegetation change and phytometric dating. Boreas 7: 155-178.

11. Matthews, J.A. (1978b) An application of non-metric multidimensional scaling to the construction of an improved species plexus. Journal of Ecology 66: 157-173.

12. Ballantyne, C.K. (1979) Patterned ground on an active medial moraine, Jotunheimen, Norway. Journal of Glaciology 22: 396-401.

13. Griffey, N.J. and Ellis, S. (1979) Three `in situ' palaeosols buried beneath Neoglacial moraine ridges, Okstindan and Jotunheimen, Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 11: 203-214.

14. Matthews, J.A. (1979a) The vegetation of the Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway, I. Introduction and approaches involving classification. Journal of Biogeography 6: 17-47.

15. Matthews, J.A. (1979b) The vegetation of the Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway, II. Approaches involving ordination and general conclusions. Journal of Biogeography 6: 133-167.

16. Matthews, J.A. (1979c) Refutation of convergence in a vegetation succession. Naturwissenschaften 66: 47-49.

17. Matthews, J.A. (1979d) A study of the variability of some successional and climax plant assemblage-types using multiple discriminant analysis. Journal of Ecology 67: 255-271.
18. Matthews, J.A., Cornish, R. and Shakesby, R.A. (1979) `Saw-tooth' moraines in front of Bödalsbreen, southern Norway.
Journal of Glaciology 22: 535-546.