Publications (1990-1999)
84. Davies, D.A., Berrisford, M.S. and Matthews, J.A. (1990) Boulder-paved river channels: a case study of a fluvio-periglacial landform. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 34: 213-231.
85. Whittaker, R.J. (1991) The vegetation of the Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway IV. Short-term vegetation change. J. Biogeography 18: 41-52.
86. Crouch, H.J. (1993) Plant distribution patterns and primary succession on a glacier foreland: a comparative study of cryptogams and higher plants. In Primary Succession on Land (J. Miles & D.W.H. Walton, editors), 133-145. Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford. (Special Publ. No. 12 of the BES).
87. Shakesby, R.A., McCarroll, D. and Caseldine, C.J. (1990) New evidence for Preboreal deglaciation of south-central Norway. Norsk Geogr. Tidsskrift 44: 121-130.
88. McCarroll, D. (1990a) A comment on enhanced boulder weathering under late-lying snow patches by Ballantyne, C.K., Black, N.M. and Finlay, D.P. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15: 467-469.‡
89. McCarroll, D. (1990b) Differential weathering of feldspar and pyroxene in an arctic-alpine environment. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15: 641-651.
†A photograph of the Storbreen glacier foreland, one of the expeditions' main research sites, appeared on the cover of the Journal of Biogeography, Vol. 16(5), September 1989.
‡ See also Ballantyne, C.K., Black, N.M. and Finlay, D.P. (1989) Enhanced boulder weathering under late-lying snowpatches. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 14: 745-750. (2) Ballantyne, C.K., Black, N.M. and Finlay, D.P. (1990) Use of the Schmidt hammer to detect enhanced boulder weathering under late-lying snowpatches. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 15: 471-474.
90. Cook-Talbot, J.D. (1991) Sorted circles, relative-age dating and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction in an alpine periglacial environment, eastern Jotunheimen, Norway: lichenometric and weathering-based approaches. The Holocene 1: 128-141.
91. Matthews, J.A. (1993a) Deposits indicative of Holocene climatic fluctuations in the timberline areas of Northern Europe: some physical proxy data sources and research approaches. In Oscillations of the Alpine and Polar Tree Limits in the Holocene (B. Frenzel, M. Eronen, K.D. Vorren & B. Gläser, editors), 85-97. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart. [Paläoklimaforschung Volume 9. Special Issue No. 4 of the European Science Foundation Project: `European Palaeoclimate and Man`.]
92. McCarroll, D. (1992) A new instrument and techniques for the field measurement of rock surface roughness. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 36: 69-79.
93. McCarroll, D. (1991a) The Schmidt hammer, weathering and rock surface roughness. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 16: 477-480.
94. McCarroll, D. (1991b) Relative-age dating of inorganic deposits: the need for a more critical approach. The Holocene 1, 174-180.
95. McCarroll, D. (1991c) The age and origin of Neoglacial moraines, Jotunheimen, southern Norway: new evidence from weathering-based data. Boreas 20: 283-295.
96. Matthews, J.A. (1991) The late Neoglacial (`Little Ice Age') glacier maximum in southern Norway: new 14C-dating evidence and climatic implications. The Holocene 1: 219-233.
1992 â€
97. McCarroll, D. (1994a) The Schmidt hammer as a measure of degree of rock surface weathering and terrain age. In Dating in Exposed and Surface Contexts (C. Beck, editor), 29-45. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
98. Matthews, J.A. (1994) Lichenometric dating: a review with particular reference to`Little Ice Age' moraines in southern Norway. In Dating in Exposed and Surface Contexts (C.Beck, editor), 185-212. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.
99. Matthews, J.A. (1993b) Radiocarbon dating of arctic-alpine palaeosols and the reconstruction of Holocene palaeoenvironmental change. In Climate Change and Human Impact on the Landscape: Studies in Palaeoecology and Environmental Archaeology (F.M. Chambers, editor), 83-97. Chapman & Hall: London. [Essays in palaeoecology in honour of Professor A.G. Smith]
100. Matthews, J.A. (1992) The Ecology of Recently-deglaciated Terrain: A Geoecological Approach to Glacier Forelands and Primary Succession. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 386 pp.
101. Bickerton, R.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1992) On the accuracy of lichenometric dates: an assessment based on the `Little Ice Age' moraine sequence of Nigardsbreen, southern Norway. The Holocene 2: 227-237.
102. Berrisford, M.S. (1991) Evidence for enhanced mechanical weathering associated with seasonally late-lying and perennial snow patches, Jotunheimen, Norway. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 2: 331-340.
103. Karlén, W. and Matthews, J.A. (1992) Reconstructing Holocene glacier variations from glacier lake sediments: studies from Nordvestlandet and Jostedalsbreen-Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 74(A): 327-348.
104. Matthews, J.A. and Karlén, W. (1992) Asynchronous neoglaciation and Holocene climatic change reconstructed from Norwegian glacio-lacustrine sedimentary sequences. Geology 20: 991-994.
†Expedition material was also used in: (1) Pardoe, H.S. and Thomas, B.A. (1992) Snowdon's Plants Since the Glaciers: A Vegetational History. National Museum of Wales: Cardiff. 32pp. (2) Matthews, J.A. (1992) Expedition research projects in tundra and periglacial regions. In The Expedition Planner's Handbook and Directory (S. Winser and N. McWilliam, editors), pp. 74-80. Royal Geographical Society, Expedition Advisory Centre: London.
105. Matthews, J.A. (1993c) Radiocarbon dating of buried soils with particular reference to Holocene solifluction. In Solifluction and Climatic Variation in the Holocene (B. Frenzel, J.A. Matthews & B. Gläser, editors), 309-324. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart. [Paläoklimaforschung Volume 11. Special Issue No. 6 of the European Science Foundation Project: `European Palaeoclimate and Man'.]â€
106. McCarroll, D. (1993a) Lichenometric and weathering-based dating of arctic-alpine slope processes and associated landforms. In Solifluction and Climatic Variation in the Holocene (B. Frenzel, J.A. Matthews & B. Gläser, editors), 325-337. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart. [Paläoklimaforschung Volume 11. Special Issue No.6 of the European Science Foundation Project: `European Palaeoclimate and Man'.]
107. Bickerton, R.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1993) `Little Ice Age' variations of outlet glaciers from the Jostedalsbreen ice-cap, southern Norway: a regional lichenometric-dating study of ice-marginal moraine sequences and their climatic significance.
Journal of Quaternary Science 8: 45-66.
108. Whittaker, R.J. (1993) Plant population patterns in a glacier foreland succession: pioneer herbs and later-colonizing shrubs. Ecography 16: 117-136.
109. McCarroll, D. (1993b) Modelling late-Holocene snow-avalanche activity: incorporating a new approach to lichenometry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 18: 527-539.
†Expedition results also appeared elsewhere in this volume: (1) Matthews, J.A.,
Ballantyne, C.K., Harris, C. and McCarroll, D. Solifluction and climatic variation in
the Holocene: discussion and synthesis, op. cit., 339-361. (2) Matthews, J.A. and Berrisford, M.S. Climatic controls on rates of solifluction: variations within Europe, op. cit., 363-382.
1994 â€
110. Caseldine, C.J. and Pardoe, H.S. (1994) Surface pollen studies from alpine/sub-alpine southern Norway: applications to Holocene data. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 82: 1-15.
111. Matthews, J.A. and McCarroll, D. (1994) Snow-avalanche impact landforms in Breheimen, southern Norway: origin, age and paleoclimatic implications. Arctic and Alpine Research 26: 103-115.
112. Luckman, B.H., Matthews, J.A., Smith, D.J., McCarroll, D. and McCarthy, D.P. (1994) Snow avalanche impact landforms: a brief discussion of terminology. Arctic and Alpine Research 26: 128-129.
113. McCarroll, D. (1994b) A new approach to lichenometry: dating single-age and diachronous surfaces. The Holocene 4: 383-396.
114. McCarroll, D. and Viles, H.A. (1995) Rock weathering by the lichen Lecidea auriculata in an arctic-alpine environment.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20: 199-206.
115. Benn, D.I. (1994) Fluted moraine formation and till genesis below a temperate valley glacier: Slettmarkbreen, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Sedimentology 41: 279-292.
†Expedition results also appeared in: Ballantyne, C.K. and Harris, C. (1994) The Periglaciation of Great Britain. Illustrative material from the expeditions was used in H.S. Pardoe (1995) Mountain Plants of the British Isles:An Introduction to our Native Arctic-AlpineFlora. National Museums and Galleries of Wales: Cardiff, 54pp.
116. McCarroll, D., Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (1995) Late-Holocene snow-avalanche activity in southern Norway: interpreting lichen size-frequency distributions using an alternative to simulation modelling. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20: 465-471.
117. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A. and McCarroll, D. (1995) Contemporary terminal-moraine ridge formation at a temperate glacier: Styggedalsbreen, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Boreas 24: 129-139.
118. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A. and McCarroll, D. (1995) Pronival ("protalus") ramparts in the Romsdalsalpane, southern Norway: forms, terms, subnival processes and alternative mechanisms of formation. Arctic and Alpine Research 27: 271-282.
119. Coker, P.D. (1994) Plant communities and environmental relationships, Høydal, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Colloques Phytosociologiques 23:339-358.
1996 â€
120. Matthews, J.A., Nesje, A. and Dahl, S.-O. (1996) Reassessment of supposed early-`Little Ice Age' and older Neoglacial moraines in the Sandane area of western Norway. The Holocene 6: 106-110. §
121. Coker, P.D. (2000) Vegetation analysis, mapping and environmental relationships at a local scale, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. In Vegetation Mapping: from Patch to Planet, (R. Alexander and A. C. Millington, editors), 137-158. Chichester: Wiley.
122. Pardoe, H.S. (1995) Micro-scale patterns of modern pollen deposition within three alpine plant communities. New Phytologist 132: 327-341.
123. McCarroll, D. (1995) Lichens: lichenometric dating of diachronous surfaces. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 20: 829-831. ‡
124.Pardoe, H.S. (1996) The influence of terrain age on the species composition of alpine "climax" heath communities in southern Norway. Oecologia Montana 5: 61-70.
†Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Benn, D.I. and Evans, D.J.A. (1996) The interpretation and classification of subglacially-deformed materials. Quaternary Science Reviews 15: 23-52. (2) Macpherson, J.B. (1996) Delayed deglaciation by downwasting on the northeast Avalon Peninsula, Newfoundland: an application of the early postglacial pollen
record. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire 50: 201-220.
§ This is a comment on: Evans, D.J., Butcher, C. and Kirthisingha, A.V. (1994) Neoglaciation and an early 'Little Ice Age' in western Norway: lichenometric evidence from the Sandane area. The Holocene 4, 278-289. See also: Evans, D.J.A. (1997) Reassessment of supposed early-'Little Ice Age' and older Neoglacial moraines in the Sandane area of western Norway: a reply to Matthews, Nesje and Dahl. The Holocene 7: 121-124.
‡ This paper includes computer software to accompany papers 109 and 116.
1997 â€
125. Petch, J.R. and Whittaker, R.J. (1997) Chronology of the Austerdalen glacier foreland. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie NF 41: 309-317.
126. Matthews, J.A. (1997) Dating problems in the investigation of Scandinavian Holocene glacier variations. In Glacier Fluctuations during the Holocene (B. Frenzel, G.S. Boulton, U. Huckreide & B. Gläser, editors), 141-157. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart. [Paläoklimaforschung Volume 24. Special Issue No. 16 of the European Science Foundation Project: `European Palaeoclimate and Man'.] ‡
127. McCarroll, D. and Matthews, J.A. (1997) Using the 'Little Ice Age' to define transfer functions between climate and rapid mass movement: the example of snow-avalanche activity in western Norway. In Rapid mass movement as a source of climatic evidence for the Holocene (J.A. Matthews, D. Brunsden, B. Frenzel, M.M. Weiss & B. Gläser, editors), 313-320. Gustav Fischer Verlag: Stuttgart.[Paläoklimaforschung Volume 19. Special Issue No. 12 of the European Science Foundation Project: `European Palaeoclimate and Man'.] §
128. Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.-O., Berrisford, M.S. and Nesje, A. (1997) Cyclic development and thermokarstic degradation of palsas in the mid-alpine zone at Leirpullan, Dovrefjell, southern Norway. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 8: 107-122.
129. Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.-O., Berrisford, M.S., Nesje, A., Dresser, P.Q. and Dumayne-Peaty, L. (1997) A preliminary history of Holocene colluvial (debris-flow)activity, Leirdalen, Jotunheimen, Norway. J. Quaternary Science 12: 117-129.
†Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Shakesby, R.A. (1997) Pronival (protalus) ramparts: a review of forms, processes, diagnostic criteria and palaeoenvironmental implications. Progress in Physical Geography 21: 394-418. (2) Matthews, J.A. (1997b) Glaciers: the new legacy. University of Wales Swansea, 18 pp. [Inaugural Professorial Lecture: February, 1997]
‡ Expedition results also appeared elsewhere in this volume: Boulton, G.S., Mason, P.,Ballantyne, C.K., Karlén, W., Matthews, J.A. and Nesje, A. Holocene glacier fluctuations in Scandinavia, op. cit., 5-33.
§ Expedition results also appeared elsewhere in this volume: Berrisford, M.S. and
Matthews, J.A. Phases of enhanced rapid mass movement and climatic variation during the Holocene: a synthesis, op. cit., 409-440.
130. Matthews, J.A. (1999) Disturbance regimes and ecosystem response on recently- deglaciated substrates. In Ecosystems of Disturbed Ground (L.R. Walker editor), 17- 37, Elsevier Science: Amsterdam. [Ecosystems of the World, Volume 16]
131. McCarroll, D., Shakesby, R.A. and Matthews, J.A. (1998) Spatial and temporal patterns of late-Holocene rockfall activity on a Norwegian talus slope: a lichenometric and simulation-modeling approach. Arctic and Alpine Research 30: 51-60.
132. McEwen, L.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1998) Channel form, bedload characteristics and sediment sources of the Sprongdøla, southern Norway: evidence for a distinct periglacio-fluvial system. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 80(A): 17-36.
133. Darmody, R.G. and Thorn, C.E. (1997) Elevation, age, soil development, and chemical weathering at Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 79(A): 215-222.
134. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A., Berrisford, M.S. and McEwen, L.J. (1998) Periglacial patterned ground on the Styggedalsbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, southern Norway: micro-topographic, paraglacial and geoecological controls. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 9: 147-166.
135. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A., McEwen, L.J. and Berrisford, M.S. (1999) Snow-push processes in pronival (protalus) rampart formation: geomorphological evidence from Smørbotn, Romsdalsalpane, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 81(A): 31-45.
136. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A., McEwen, L.J., Berrisford, M.S., Owen, G. and Bevan, P. (1999) Alpine debris flows in Leirdalen, Jotunheimen, Norway, with particular reference to distal fans, intermediate-type deposits and flow types. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 31: 421-435.