Publications (2010-2019)
2010 †
171. Trenbirth, H.E. and Matthews, J.A. (2010) Lichen growth rates on glacier forelands in southern Norway: preliminary results from a 25-year monitoring programme. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 92A: 19-39. ‡ Contribution to the Special Issue: Lichenometry in Sub-Polar Environments.
172. Winkler, S. and Matthews, J.A. (2010) Observations on terminal-moraine ridge formation during recent advances of southern Norwegian glaciers. Geomorphology 116: 87-106.
173. Robbins, J.A. and Matthews, J.A. (2010) Regional variation in successional trajectories and rates of vegetation change on glacier forelands in south-central Norway. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 42: 351-361.
174. Owen, G., Hiemstra, J.F., Matthews, J.A. and McEwen, L.J. (2010) Landslide- glacier interaction in a neoparaglacial setting at Tverrbyttnede, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 92A: 421-436.
† Expedition results also appeared in: Winkler, S. and Matthews, J.A. (2010) Holocene glacier chronologies: are high-resolution global and inter-hemispheric comparisons possible? The Holocene 20: 1137-1147.
‡ A photograph of a monitored lichen thallus (Rhizocarpon subgenus) from the Bøverbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, also appeared on the cover of Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 92A (Issue No. 1), 2010.
175. Matthews, J.A. and Winkler, S. (2011) Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating (SHD): application to early-Holocene moraines and a reappraisal of the reliability of terrestrial cosmogenic-nuclide dating (TCND) at Austanbotnbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Boreas 40: 256-270.
176. Matthews, J.A. and Trenbirth, H.E. (2011) Growth rate of a very large crustose lichen (Rhizocarpon subgenus) and its implications for lichenometry. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 93A: 27-39.
177. Matthews, J.A. and Owen, G. (2011) Holocene chemical weathering, surface lowering and rock weakening rates from glacially-eroded bedrock surfaces in an alpine periglacial environment, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 22: 279-290. [Contribution to the Special Issue in honour of Professor Charles Harris]
178. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A., Karlén, W. and Los, S. (2011) The Schmidt hammer as a Holocene calibrated-age dating technique: testing the form of the R-value – age relationship and defining the predicted age errors. The Holocene 21: 615-628.
179. McEwen, L.J., Owen, G., Matthews, J.A. and Hiemstra, J. F. (2011) Late- Holocene development of a Norwegian alpine alluvial fan affected by proximal glacier variations, distalundercutting and colluvial activity. Geomorphology 127: 198-215.
180. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A., Owen, G. and Vater, A.E. (2011) Pronival rampart formation in relation to snow-avalanche activity and Schmidt-hammer exposure age dating (SHD): three case studies from southern Norway. Geomorphology 130: 280-288.
2012 †
181. Nesje, A. and Matthews, J.A. (2012) The Briksdalsbre Event: A winter precipitation- induced decadal-scale glacial advance in southern Norway in the AD 1990s. The Holocene 22: 249-261.
182. Vater, A.E. (2012) Insect and arachnid colonization on the Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, Norway: persistence of taxa suggests an alternative model of succession. The Holocene 22: 1123-1133.
† Expedition results were used as case studies in Kent M (2012) Vegetation Description and Analysis: a Practical Approach, 2nd edition. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell [see pp. 3-6, 94-95, 264-266, 299-301].
183. McEwen, L.J. and Matthews, J.A. (2013) Sensitivity, persistence and resolution of the Holocene geomorphological record of valley-floor floods in an alpine glacier-fed catchment, Leirdalen, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. The Holocene 23: 974-989.
184. Vater, A.E. and Matthews, J.A. (2013) Testing the ‘addition and persistence model’ of invertebrate succession in a subalpine glacier-foreland chronosequence: Fåbergstølsbreen, southern Norway. The Holocene 23: 1151-1162.
185. Matthews, J.A. and McEwen, L.J. (2013) High-precision Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) of flood berms, Vetlestølsdalen, alpine southern Norway: first application and some methodological issues. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 95: 185-195.
186. Matthews, J.A. (2013) Neoglaciation in Europe. In: Elias S.A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Volume 2, pp. 257-268. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
187. Matthews, J.A., Nesje, A. and Linge, H. (2013) Relict talus-foot rock glaciers at Øyberget, upper Ottadalen, southern Norway: Schmidt-hammer exposure age and palaeoenvironmental implications. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 24: 336-346.
188. Matthews, J.A., Winkler, S. and Wilson, P. (2014) Age and origin of ice-cored moraines in Jotunheimen and Breheimen, southern Norway: insights from Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 96: 531-548.
189. Winkler, S. and Matthews, J.A. (2014) Comparison of electronic and mechanical Schmidt hammers in the context of exposure-age dating: are Q- and R-values interconvertible? Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39: 1128-1136.
190. Robbins, J.A. and Matthews, J.A. (2014) Use of ecological indicator values to investigate successional change in boreal to high-alpine glacier-foreland chronosequences, southern Norway. The Holocene 24: 1453-1464.
191. Pardoe, H.S. (2014) Surface pollen deposition on glacier forelands in southern Norway, II: regional patterns across the Jotunheimen-Jostedalsbreen region. The Holocene 24: 1675-1685.
192. Vater, A.E. and Matthews, J.A. (2015) Succession of pitfall-trapped insects and arachnids on eight Norwegian glacier forelands along an altitudinal gradient: patterns and models. The Holocene 25: 108-129. [Contribution to the Special Issue in honour of Professor H. John B. Birks]
193. Hiemstra, J.F., Matthews, J.A., Evans, D.J.A. and Owen, G. (2015) Sediment fingerprinting and the mode of formation of singular and composite annual moraine ridges at two southern Norwegian glacier margins. The Holocene 25: 1772-1785.
194. Matthews, J.A., McEwen, L.J. and Owen, G. (2015) Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) of snow-avalanche impact ramparts in southern Norway: approaches, results and implications for landform age, dynamics and development. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: 1705-1718.
195. Matthews, J.A. and Wilson, P. (2015) Improved Schmidt-hammer exposure ages for active and relict pronival ramparts in southern Norway, and their palaeoenvironmental implications. Geomorphology 246: 7-21.
196. Matthews, J.A. and Vater, A.E. (2015) Pioneer zone geo-ecological change: observations from a chronosequence on the Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Catena 135: 219-230.
197. Wilson, P., Matthews, J.A. and Mourne, R.W. (2017) Relict blockstreams at Insteheia, Valldalen-Tafjorden, southern Norway: their nature and Schmidt-hammer exposure age. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes [28: 286-297].
198. Matthews, J.A., Owen, G., Winkler, S., Vater, A.E., Wilson, P., Mourne, R.W. and Hill, J.L. (2016) A rock-surface microweathering index from Schmidt hammer R-values and its preliminary application to some common rock types in southern Norway. Catena 143: 35-44.
199. Winkler, S., Matthews, J.A., Mourne, R.W. and Wilson, P. (2016) Schmidt-hammer exposure ages from periglacial patterned ground (sorted circles) in Jotunheimen, Norway, and their interpretive problems. Geografiska Annaler: Series A (Physical Geography) 98: 265-285.
200. Winkler, S. and Matthews, J.A. (2016) Inappropriate instrument calibration for Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating (SHD) – a comment on Dortch et al., Quaternary Geochronology 35 (2016), 67-68. Quaternary Geochronology 36: 102-103. †
201. Matthews, J.A., Wilson, P. and Mourne, R.W. (2017) Landform transitions from pronival ramparts to moraines and rock glaciers: a case study from the Smørbotn cirque, Romsdalsalpane, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler: Series A (Physical Geography) 99A: 15-37.
202. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A. and Fabel, D. (2017) Very low inherited age in cosmogenic nuclide dating of glacial deposits: a field experiment from two Norwegian glacier forelands. The Holocene 27: 1406-1414.
203. Matthews, J.A., Owen, G., McEwen, L.J., Shakesby, R.A., Hill, J.L., Vater, A.E. and Ratcliffe, A.C. (2017) Snow-avalanche impact craters in southern Norway: their morphology and dynamics compared with small terrestrial meteorite craters. Geomorphology 296: 11-30.
204. Hill, J.L., Vater, A.E., Geary, A.P. and Matthews, J.A. (2018) Chronosequences of ant-nest mounds from glacier forelands of Jostedalsbreen, southern Norway: insights into the distribution, succession and geo-ecology of red wood ants (Formica lugubris and F. aquilonia). The Holocene 28: 1113-1130.
205. Matthews, J.A., Hill, J.L., J.A., Winkler, S., Owen, G. and Vater A. (2018) Autosuccession in alpine vegetation: testing the concept on an altitudinal bioclimatic gradient, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Catena 170: 169-182.
206. Matthews, J.A., Winkler, S., Wilson, P., Tomkins, M.D., Dortch, J.M., Mourne, R.W., Hill. J.L., Owen, G. and Vater, A. (2018) Small rock-slope failures conditioned by Holocene permafrost degradation: a new approach and conceptual model based on Schmidt-hammer exposure-age dating, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Boreas [in press; already published on-line].
207. Matthews, J.A., Wilson, P., Winkler, S., Mourne, R.W., Hill, J.L., Owen, G., Hiemstra, J., Hallang, H. and Geary, A. P. (2019) Age and development of active cryoplanation terraces in the alpine permafrost zone at Svartkampan, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Quaternary Research 92: 641-664.
208. Wilson, P., Linge, H., Matthews, J.A., Mourne, R.W. and Olsen, J. (2019) Comparative numerical surface exposure-age dating (10Be and Schmidt hammer) of an early-Holocene rock avalanche at Alstadfjellet, Valldalen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler: Series A (Physical Geography) 101: 293-309.