Publications (1980-1989)
19. Harkness, D.D. and Miller, B.F. (1980) Possibility of climatically induced variations in the 14C and 13C enrichment patterns as recorded by a 300-year-old Norwegian pine. Radiocarbon 22: 291-298.
20. Matthews, J.A. (1980) Some problems and implications of 14C dates from a podzol buried beneath an end moraine at Haugabreen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 62(A): 185-208.
21. Matthews, J.A. (1981) Natural 14C age/depth gradient in a buried soil. Naturwissenschaften 68: 472-474.
22. Ballantyne, C.K. (1982) Aggregate clast form characteristics of deposits near the margins of four glaciers in the Jotunheimen Massif, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 36: 103-113.
23. Ballantyne, C.K. and Matthews, J.A. (1982) The development of sorted circles on recently deglaciated terrain, Jotunheimen, Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 14: 341-354.
24. Matthews, J.A. (1982) Soil dating and glacier variations: a reply to Wibjörn Karlén. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 64(A): 15-20.â€
25. Matthews, J.A. and Petch, J.R. (1982) Within-valley asymmetry and related problems of Neoglacial lateral moraine development at certain Jotunheimen glaciers, southern Norway. Boreas 11: 225-247.
†See also: Karlén, W. (1981) A comment on John A. Matthews' article regarding 14C dates of glacier variations. Geografiska Annaler 63A: 19-21.
1983 ‡
26. Ballantyne, C.K. and Matthews, J.A. (1983) Desiccation cracking and sorted polygon development, Jotunheimen, Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 15: 339-349.
27. Matthews, J.A. and Dresser, P.Q. (1983) Intensive 14C dating of a buried palaeosol horizon. Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm Förhandlingar 105: 59-63.
28. Caseldine, C.J. (1983) Pollen analysis and rates of pollen incorporation into a radiocarbon-dated palaeopodzolic soil at Haugabreen, southern Norway. Boreas 12: 233-246.
29. Ellis, S. (1983) Stratigraphy and 14C dating of two earth hummocks, Jotunheimen, south central Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 65(A): 279-287.
30. Haines-Young, R.H. (1983) Size variation of Rhizocarpon on moraine slopes in southern Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 15: 295-305.
31. Harris, C. (1983) Vesicles in thin sections of periglacial soils from north and south Norway. Proceedings of the 4th International Permafrost Conference (Fairbanks, Alaska), 445-449. National Academy Press: Washington D.C.
32. Caseldine, C.J. (1984) Pollen analysis of a buried arctic-alpine Brown soil from Vestre Memurubreen, Jotunheimen, Norway: evidence for Postglacial high-altitude vegetation change. Arctic and Alpine Research 16: 423-430.
33. Ellis, S. and Matthews, J.A. (1984) Pedogenic implications of a 14C-dated paleopodzolic soil at Haugabreen, southern Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 16: 77-91.
34. Harris, C. and Bothamley, I.K. (1984) Englacial deltaic sediments as evidence for basal freezing and marginal shearing, Leirbreen, southern Norway. Journal of Glaciology 31: 30-34.
35. Harris, C. and Matthews, J.A. (1984) Some observations on boulder-cored frost boils. Geographical Journal 150: 63-73.
36. Matthews, J.A. (1984) Limitations of 14C dates from buried soils in reconstructing glacier variations and Holocene climate. In Climatic Change on a Yearly to Millennial Basis: Geological, Historical and Instrumental Records (N.A. Mörner and W. Karlén, editors), 281-290. Reidel: Dordrecht.
37. Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (1984) The status of the `Little Ice Age' in southern Norway: relative-age dating of Neoglacial moraines with Schmidt hammer and lichenometry. Boreas 13: 333-346.
38. Richards, K. (1984) Some observations on suspended sediment dynamics in Storbregrova, Jotunheimen. Earth Surfaces Processes and Landforms 9: 101-112.
‡ Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Maizels, J.K. (1983a) Proglacial channel systems: change and thresholds for change over long, intermediate and short timescales. In Modern and Ancient Fluvial Systems (J.D. Collinson & J. Lewin, editors), 251-266, Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford. (2) Maizels, J.K. (1983b) Palaeovelocity and palaeodischarge determination for coarse gravel deposits. In Background to Palaeohydrology (K.J. Gregory, editor), 101-139. Wiley: Chichester. (3) Coker, P.D. (1983) Seligeria carniolica (Breidl. & Beck) Nyh. and S. oelandica C. Jens & Med.: two mosses new to Norway. Lindbergia 9: 81-85.
1985 â€
39. Maizels, J. and Petch, J.R. (1985) Age determination of intermoraine areas, Austerdalen, southern Norway. Boreas 14: 51-65.
40. Haines-Young, R.H. (1985) Discussion of `Size Variation of Rhizocarpon on Moraine Slopes in Southern Norway': a reply. Arctic and Alpine Research 17: 212-216.‡
41. Shakesby, R.A. (1985) Geomorphological effects of jökulhlaups and ice-dammed lakes, Jotunheimen, Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 39: 1-16.
42. Mellor, A. (1985) Soil chronosequences on Neoglacial moraine ridges, Jostedalsbreen and Jotunheimen, southern Norway: a quantitative pedogenic approach. In Geomorphology and Soils (K.S. Richards, R.R. Arnett and S. Ellis, editors), 289-308. George Allen & Unwin: London.
43. Caseldine, C.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1985) 14C dating of palaeosols, pollen analysis and landscape change: studies from the low- and mid-alpine belts of southern Norway. In Soils and Quaternary Landscape Evolution (J. Boardman, editor) 87-116. Wiley: Chichester.
44. Vere, D. and Matthews, J.A. (1985) Rock glacier formation from a lateral moraine at Bukkeholsbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway: a sedimentological approach. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F. 29: 397-415.
†Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Innes, J.L. (1985) Lichenometry. Progress in Physical Geography 9: 187-254. (2) Caseldine, C.J. (1985) The extent of some glaciers in northern Iceland during the Little Ice Age and the nature of recent glaciation. Geographical Journal 151: 215-227. (3) Matthews, J.A. (1985) Radiocarbon dating of surface and buried soils: principles, problems and prospects. In Geomorphology and Soils
(K.S. Richards, R.R.Arnett & S. Ellis, editors), 269-288. George Allen & Unwin: London. (4) Harris, C. (1985) Geomorphological applications of soil micromorphology with particular reference to periglacial sediments and processes. In Geomorphology and Soils, op. cit., 219-232. (5) Maizels, J.K. (1986) Modelling of paleohydrologic change during deglaciation. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire 15: 263 -277.
‡ See also: Mahaney, W.C. and Spence, J.R. (1985) Discussion of 'Size Variation of Rhizocarpon on Moraine Slopes in Southern Norway' by R.H. Haines-Young. Arctic and Alpine Research 17: 211-212.
45. Dawson, A.G., Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (1986) A catastrophic landslide (sturzstrom) in Verkilsdalen, Rondane National Park, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 68(A): 77-87.
46. Harris, C. and Cook, J.D. (1986) The detection of high altitude permafrost in Jotunheimen, Norway, using seismic refraction techniques: an assessment. Arctic and Alpine Research 18: 19-26.

47. Matthews, J.A., Dawson, A.G. and Shakesby, R.A. (1986) Lake shoreline development, frost weathering and rock platform erosion in an alpine periglacial environment, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Boreas 15: 33-50.

48. Matthews, J.A., Harris, C. and Ballantyne, C.K. (1986) Studies on a gelifluction lobe, Jotunheimen, Norway: 14C chronology, stratigraphy, sedimentology and paleoenvironment. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 68(A): 345-360.

49. Matthews, J.A., Innes, J.L. and Caseldine, C.J. (1986) 14C dating and palaeoenvironment of the historic `Little Ice Age' glacier advance of Nigardsbreen, southwest Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 11: 369-375.

50. Mellor, A. (1986a) Textural and scanning electron microscope observations of some arctic-alpine soils developed in Weichselian and Neoglacial till deposits in southern Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 18: 327-336.

51. Mellor, A. (1986b) Hydrobiotite formation in some Norwegian arctic-alpine soils developing in Neoglacial till.
Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 66: 183-185.

52. Mellor, A. (1986c) A micromorphological examination of two alpine soil chronosequences, southern Norway.
Geoderma 39: 41-57.

53. Caseldine, C.J. and Matthews, J.A. (1987) Podzol development, vegetation change and glacier variations at Haugabreen, southern Norway. Boreas 16: 215-230.

54. Darmody, R.G., Thorn, C.E. and Rissing, J.M. (1987) Chemical weathering of fine debris from a series of Holocene moraines: Storbreen, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 69(A): 405-413.
55. Matthews, J.A. (1987a) A comment on `Neoglaciation in South Norway using lichenometric methods'. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 41: 61-67.â€
56. Dawson, A.G., Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (1987) Rock platform erosion on periglacial shores: a modern analogue for Pleistocene rock platforms in Britain. In Periglacial Processes and Landforms in Britain and Ireland (J. Boardman, editor), 173-182. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge.

57. Harris, C., Caseldine, C.J. and Chambers, W. (1987) Radiocarbon dating of a palaeosol buried by sediments of a former ice-dammed lake, Leirbreen, southern Norway.Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 41: 81-90.

58. Matthews, J.A. (1987b) Some aspects of the 14C dating of buried soil horizons. In Soils and the Time Factor (P. Stevens, editor), 13-30. Institute of Terrestrial Ecology: Bangor. (Welsh Soils Discussion Group Report No. 24).

59. Matthews, J.A. (1987c) Regional variation in the composition of Neoglacial end moraines, Jotunheimen, Norway: an altitudinal gradient in clast roundness and its possible palaeoclimatic significance. Boreas 16: 173-188.

60. Matthews, J.A. and Caseldine, C.J. (1987) Arctic-alpine Brown Soils as a source of palaeoenvironmental information: further 14C dating and palynological evidence from Vestre Memurubreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Journal of Quaternary Science 2: 59-71.

61. Matthews, J.A. and Whittaker, R.J. (1987) Vegetation succession on the Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, Norway: a review. Arctic and Alpine Research 19: 385-395.

62. McCarroll, D. (1987) The Schmidt hammer in Geomorphology: five sources of instrument error. British Geomorphological Research Group, Tech.Bulletin 36: 16-27.

63. Mellor, A. (1987) A pedogenic investigation of some soil chronosequences on Neoglacial moraine ridges, southern Norway: examination of soil chemical data using principal components analysis. Catena 14: 369-381.

64. Shakesby, R.A., Dawson, A.G. and Matthews, J.A. (1987) Rock glaciers, protalus ramparts and related phenomena, Rondane, Norway: a continuum of large-scale talus-derived landforms. Boreas 16: 305-317.

65. Shakesby, R.A. and Matthews, J.A. (1987) Frost weathering and rock platform erosion on periglacial shorelines: a test of a hypothesis. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 67: 197-203.

66. Smith, D.E. and Firth, C.R. (1987) The deglaciation of Vetlefjorddalen and Svaeradalen, southern Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 41: 11-21.

67. Whittaker, R.J. (1987) An application of detrended correspondence analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling to the identification and analysis of environmental factor complexes and vegetation structures.
J. Ecology 75: 363-376.
†See also: (1) Erikstad, L. and Sollid, J.L. (1986) Neoglaciation in South Norway
using lichenometric methods. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 40: 85-105. (2) Erikstad, L. and Sollid, J.L. (1988) Neoglaciation in South Norway using lichenometric methods: reply to Matthews. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 42: 62.

68. Haines-Young, R.H. (1988) Size-frequency and size-density relationships in populations from the Rhizocarpon subgenus Cern. on moraine slopes in southern Norway.Journal of Biogeography 15: 863-878.

69. Harris, C. and Cook, J.D. (1988) Micromorphology and microfabrics of sorted circles, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Proceedings of the 5th International Permafrost Conference (Trondheim, Norway) 1: 776-783. Tapir: Trondheim.

70. Messer, A.C. (1988) Regional variations in rates of pedogenesis and the influence of climatic factors on moraine chronosequences, southern Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 20: 31-39.

​1989 â€
71. Whittaker, R.J. (1989) The vegetation of the Storbreen gletschervorfeld, Jotunheimen, Norway, III. Vegetation-environment relationships. Journal of Biogeography 16: 413-433.

72. Crouch, H.J. (1989) Phyllodoce caerulea (L.) Bab. f. albiflora Hiit. in Norway. Blyttia 47: 121-124.

73. Donnelly, R. and Harris, C. (1989) Origin and sedimentology of glacio-lacustrine deposits from a small ice-dammed lake, Leirbreen, Norway. Sedimentol. 36: 581-600.

74. Shakesby, R.A., Dawson, A.G. and Matthews, J.A. (1989) Continuum and age: comments. Boreas 18: 84-85.‡

75. Caseldine, C.J. (1989) Pollen assemblage-plant community relationships on the Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen Mountains, southern Norway. New Phytologist 111: 105-118.

76. McCarroll, D. and Ware, M. (1989) The variability of soil development on Preboreal moraine ridge crests, Breiseterdalen, southern Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 43: 31-36.

77. Shakesby, R.A. (1989) Variability in Neoglacial moraine morphology and composition, Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway: within-moraine patterns and their implications. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 71(A): 17-29.

78. McCarroll, D., Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (1989) "Striations" produced by catastrophic subglacial drainage of a glacier-dammed lake, Mjølkedalsbreen, southern Norway. Journal of Glaciology 35: 193-196.
79. McCarroll, D. (1989a) Potential and limitations of the Schmidt hammer for relative-age dating: field tests on Neoglacial moraines, Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Arctic and Alpine Research 21: 268-275.

80. McCarroll, D. (1989b) Schmidt hammer relative-age evaluation of a possible pre-`Little Ice Age' Neoglacial moraine, Leirbreen, southern Norway.Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift 69: 125-130.

81. Vere, D.M. and Benn, D.I. (1989) Structure and debris characteristics of medial moraines in Jotunheimen, Norway: implications for moraine classification.Journal of Glaciology 35: 276-80.

82. Pardoe, H.S. and Matthews, J.A. (1989) Chernobyl 137Cs fallout in pollen traps from the Jotunheimen-Jostedalsbreen area, southern Norway. Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 43: 231-235.

83. Messer, A.C. (1989) An alternative approach to the study of pedogenic chronosequences.Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift 43: 221-229.

†Beginning with Jotunheimen Research Expeditions, Contribution No. 71, numbering of papers reflects the order of acceptance for publication. ‡ This is a reply to: Kirkbride, M. (1989) About concepts of continuum and age.
Boreas 18: 87-88 [a comment on paper No. 64, above].