Publications (2000-2009)
2000 †
137. Nesje, A., Dahl, S.-O., Andersson, C. and Matthews, J.A. (2000) The lacustrine sedimentary sequence in Sygneskardvatnet, western Norway: a continuous, high- resolution record of the Jostedalsbreen ice cap during the Holocene. Quaternary Science Reviews 19: 1047-1065.
138. Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.-O., Nesje, A., Berrisford, M.S. and Andersson, C (2000) Holocene glacier variations in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway based on distal glaciolacustrine sediment cores. Quaternary Science Reviews 19: 1625-1647.
† Expedition results also appeared in: Doerr, S.H., Shakesby, R.A.S. and Walsh R.P.D. (2000) Hydrophobicity in soils of the European Atlantic margin: preliminary observations and implications for soil hydrological response. British Hydrological Society Occasional Paper 11: 211-218. [Wallingford: BHS]
139. Grimm, G. (2001) Development of vegetation pattern in primary successions on glacier forelands in southern Norway. In GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Biogeography and Ecology (A. Millington, P.E. Osborne, and S. Walsh, editors), 255-270. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
140. Nesje, A., Dahl, S.-O., Matthews, J.A. and Berrisford, M.S. (2001) A ~4500 yr record of river floods obtained from a sediment core in Lake Atnsjøen, eastern Norway. Journal of Palaeolimnology 25: 329-342.
141. McCarroll, D., Shakesby, R.A. and Matthews, J.A. (2001) Enhanced rockfall activity during the Little Ice Age: further lichenometric evidence from Norwegian talus. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 12: 157-164.
142. Pardoe, H.S. (2001) The representation of taxa in surface pollen spectra on alpine and sub-alpine glacier forelands in southern Norway. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 117: 63-78.
143. Barnett, C., Dumayne-Peaty, L. and Matthews, J.A. (2001) Holocene climatic change and tree-line response in Leirdalen, central Jotunheimen, south central Norway. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 117: 119-137.
144. Nesje, A., Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.-O, Berrisford, M.S. and Andersson, C. (2001) Holocene glacier fluctuations of Flatebreen and winter-precipitation changes in the Jostedalsbreen region, western Norway, based on glaciolacustrine sediment records. The Holocene 11: 267-280.
145. Lewis, S.G. and Birnie, J.F. (2001) Little Ice Age alluvial fan development in Langedalen, western Norway. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 83(A): 179-190.
2002 †
146. Dahl, S.O., Nesje, A., Lie, Ø., Fjordheim, K. and Matthews, J.A. (2002) Timing, equilibrium-line altitudes and climatic implications of two early-Holocene readvances during the Erdalen Event at Jostedalsbreen, western Norway. The Holocene 12: 17-25.
147. McEwen, L.J., Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A. and Berrisford, M.S. (2002) Holocene gorge excavation linked to boulder fan formation and frost weathering in a Norwegian alpine periglaciofluvial system. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 34: 345-357.
148. Shakesby, R.A. and Matthews, J.A. (2002) Sieve deposition by debris flow on a permeable substrate, Leirdalen, Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 27: 1031-1041.
† Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Thorn, C.E. and Hall, K. (2002) Nivation and cryoplanation: the case for scrutiny and integration. Progress in Physical Geography 26: 533-550 [See pp. 538-540, summarizing the significance of the research of M.S. Berrisford on periglacial processes]. (2) He Xiubin, Tang Keli, Matthews, J.A. and Owen, G. (2002) Erosion response to anthropogenic activity and climatic changes during the Holocene: case studies in northwestern China and southern Norway. Journal of Geographical Sciences (Beijing) 12: 467-471. [This paper was the basis of a poster presented to Her Majesty the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh in London at the Royal Society (2001).]
149. Smith, J.G. (2003) Aspects of the loss-on-ignition (LOI) technique in the context of clay-rich glaciolacustrine sediments. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography) 85(A): 91-97.
150. Winkler, S., Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A. and Dresser, P.Q. (2003) Glacier variations in Breheimen, southern Norway: dating Little Ice Age moraine sequences at seven low-altitude glaciers. Journal of Quaternary Science 18: 395-413.
2004 †
151. Lie Ø., Dahl, S.O., Nesje, A., Matthews, J.A. and Sandvold, S. (2004) Holocene fluctuations of a polythermal glacier in high-alpine eastern Jotunheimen, central-southern Norway. Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 1925-1945.
152. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A. and Winkler, S. (2004) Glacier variations in Breheimen, southern Norway: relative-age dating of Holocene moraine complexes at six high-altitude glaciers. The Holocene 14: 899-910.
† Expedition material was also used in: Matthews, J.A. (2004) Expedition research projects in tundra and periglacial regions. In The Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographer's Expedition Handbook (S. Winser, editor), pp. 308-315. Profile Books: London.
153. Matthews, J.A., Berrisford, M.S., Dresser, P.Q., Nesje, A., Dahl, S.O., Bjune, A.E., Bakke, J., Birks, H.J.B., Lie, Ø., Dumayne-Peaty, L. and Barnett, C. (2005) Holocene glacier history of Bjørnbreen and climatic reconstruction in central Jotunheimen, southern Norway, based on proximal glaciofluvial stream-bank mires. Quaternary Science Reviews 24: 67-90.
154. Matthews, J.A. (2005) `Little Ice Age' glacier variations in Jotunheimen, southern Norway: a study in regionally-controlled lichenometric-dating of recessional moraines with implications for climate and lichen growth rates. The Holocene 15: 1-19.
155. Darmody, R.G., Allen, C.E. and Thorn, C.E. (2005) Soil topochronosequences at Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69: 1275-1287.
† Expedition results also appeared in: Matthews, J.A. and Briffa, K.R. (2005) The `Little Ice Age': re-evaluation of an evolving concept. Geografiska Annaler 87(A): 17-36. Contribution to the Special Issue in honour of Professor Wibjörn Karlén]
156. Owen, G., Matthews, J.A. and Shakesby, R.A. (2006) Rapid Holocene chemical weathering on a calcitic lake shoreline in an alpine periglacial environment: Attgløyma, Sognefjell, southern Norway. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 17: 3-12.
157. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A. and Owen, G. (2006) The Schmidt hammer as a relative- age dating tool and its potential for calibrated-age dating in Holocene glaciated environments. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 2846-2867.
158. Pardoe, H.S. (2006) Surface pollen deposition on glacier forelands in southern Norway, I: local patterns of representation and source area at Storbreen, Jotunheimen. The Holocene 16: 1149-1161.
159. Owen, G., Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A. and He Xiubin (2006) Snow-avalanche impact landforms, deposits and effects at Urdvatnet, southern Norway: implications for avalanche style and process. Geografiska Annaler, Series A (Physical Geography)88A: 295-307.
2007 †
160. Thorn, C.E., Darmody, R.G., Campbell, S.W., Allen, C.E. and Dixon, J.C. (2007) Microvariability in the early stages of cobble weathering by micro-environment on a glacier foreland, Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32: 2199-2211.
161. Shakesby, R.A., Smith, J.G., Matthews, J.A., Winkler, S., Dresser, P.Q., Bakke, J., Dahl, S.O., Lie, Ø. and Nesje, A. (2007) Reconstruction of Holocene glacier history from distal sources: glaciofluvial stream-bank mires and a glaciolacustrine sediment core near Sota Sæter, Breheimen, Norway. The Holocene 17: 729-745.
162. Owen, G., Matthews, J.A. and Albert, P.G. (2007) Rates of Holocene chemical weathering, `Little Ice Age' glacial erosion, and implications for Schmidt-hammer dating at a glacier-foreland boundary, Fåberstølsbreen, southern Norway. The Holocene 17: 829-834.
† Expedition results also appeared in (1): Matthews, J.A. (2007) Neoglaciation in Europe. In Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (S. Elias, editor), pp. 1122-1133, Elsevier: Amsterdam.
2008 †
163. Matthews, J.A. and Dresser, P.Q. (2008) Holocene glacier variation chronology of the Smørstabbtindan massif, Jotunheimen, Norway, and the recognition of European Neoglacial Events. The Holocene 18: 181-201. [Contribution to the Special Issue in honour of Professor Frank Oldfield]
164. Thorn, C.E., Darmody, R.G. and Allen, C.E. (2008) Ground temperature variability on a glacier foreland, Storbreen, Jotunheimen, Norway. Norsk Geog. Tids.62: 290-302
165. Matthews, J.A., Shakesby, R.A., Schnabel, C. and Freeman, S. (2008) Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al ages of Holocene moraines in southern Norway I: testing the method and confirmation of the date of the Erdalen Event (c. 10 ka) at its type-site. The Holocene 18: 1155-1164.
166. Shakesby, R.A., Matthews, J.A. and Schnabel, C. (2008) Cosmogenic 10Be and 26Al ages of Holocene moraines in southern Norway II: evidence for individualistic responses of high-altitude glaciers to millennial-scale climatic fluctuations. The Holocene 18: 1165-1177
167. Matthews, J.A. and Owen, G. (2008) Endolithic lichens, rapid biological weathering and Schmidt hammer R-values on recently exposed rock surfaces: Storbreen glacier foreland, Jotunheimen, Norway. Geografiska Annaler 90A: 287-297. ‡
† Expedition results also appeared in: (1) Nesje, A., Bakke, J., Dahl, S.O., Lie, Ø. and Matthews, J.A. (2008) Norwegian mountain glaciers in the past, present and future. Global and Planetary Change 60: 10-27. (2) Matthews, J.A. and Herbert, D.T. (2008) Geography: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press: Oxford, 181 pp. (3) Birks, H.J.B. and Birks, H.H. (2008) Biological responses to rapid climate change at the Younger Dryas-Holocene transition at Kråkenes, western Norway. The Holocene 18: 19-30.
‡ A photograph of moraine ridges at the glacier front of Storbreen, which date from the AD 1980s and 1990s, also appeared on the cover of Geografiska Annaler, Series A (PhysicalGeography) 90A (Issue No. 4), 2008.
168. Robbins, J.A. and Matthews, J.A. (2009) Pioneer vegetation on glacier forelands in southern Norway: emerging communities? J. Vegetation Science 20: 889-902. †
169. Matthews, J.A. and Owen, G. (2010) Schmidt hammer exposure-age dating: developing linear age-calibration curves using Holocene bedrock surfaces from the Jotunheimen- Jostedalsbreen regions of southern Norway. Boreas 39: 105-115.
170. Matthews, J.A., Dahl, S.O., Dresser, P.Q., Berrisford, M.S., Lie, Ø., Nesje, A. and Owen, G. (2009) Radiocarbon chronology of Holocene colluvial (debris-flow) events at Sletthamn, Jotunheimen, southern Norway: a window on the changing frequency of extreme climatic events and their landscape impact. The Holocene 19: 1107-1129.
† Erratum: see corrected Table 6 in Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 807 (2010).